Radio 10 Den's Fever


Great new broadcast news. 5-5-23 at Den's Fever I will have my first broadcast.
The show starts at 21:00 Radio 10.
At "5 minutes of mixing skills" you can hear "The Late 80s House Classics part 1". Do not miss it! 

Den's Fever Broadcasts:

The Late 80s House Classics part 1 (05-05-2023) DOWNLOAD (save as)

Global Dance Chart Yearmix 2022

Title: about a dizzy year: YEARMIX 2022 The Global Dance Chart Edition
I was planning to make 3 yearmixes last year. The usual yearmix, a Hardstyle version and The Global Dance Charts Edition.
We all know what happened with the hardstyle version, so.....
I doubted whether I wanted to make the GDC yearmix. But blood is thicker than water and I started after a while. Even though the #YearMix period has ended. I made it anyway.
